www.antipsychiatry.org - in Bulgarian - translated by Gergina Anguelova. Modified February 28, 2003 - Bulgarian characters & words will not display correctly (may appear as boxes or as question marks (?)) on earlier web browsers not designed to display themEspañol Francais Deutsch Polski Japanese
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Психиатрията1050;оалицията Срещу Психиатрията е организация с идеална цел, състояща се от доброволци- хора, които са почувствали вредата от психиатрията- и от наши поддръжници. Създадохме тези страници, за да ви предупредим за злините, причинявани непрекъснато на хората, подложени на психиатрично “лечение” и за да допринесем за развитието на демократичния идеал за свобода на всички обикновени хора, чиито права са били нарушени в САЩ, Канада и други предполагаемо демократични страни.
Статии на български език:
· Електроконвулсивната шокова терапия като психиатрична практика – престъпление срещу човечеството – от Лорънс Стивънс, д-р по право
· Как парите на фармацевтичните компании корумпираха психиатрията - от д-р Лорън Р. Мошър
____________________________________________ Статии на английски език:
Mental Health Parity: A Debate – U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone and Antipsychiatry Coalition webmaster Douglas A. Smith debate whether Congress (or state governments) should have laws forcing health insurance companies to pay for psychiatric treatment
· Mental Patients' Liberation: Why? How?
Изчерпателна критика на психиатрията - 12 статии от Лорънс Стивънс, д-р по право:
· Schizophrenia: A Nonexistent Disease
· The Myth of Biological Depression
· Psychiatric Drugs: Cure or Quackery?
· Psychiatry's Electroconvulsive Shock Treatment - A Crime Against Humanity
· The Brain Butchery Called Psychosurgery
· The Case Against Psychotherapy
· Unjustified Psychiatric Commitment in the USA
· Is Involuntary Commitment for Mental Illness a Violation of Substantive Due Process?
· Why Psychiatry Should Be Abolished as a Medical Specialty
· Psychiatric Stigma Follows You Everywhere You Go for the Rest of Your Life
Извадки и коментари на новини :
Antipsychiatry News Clips
актуализирано на 10 юли 2002
· Why Psychiatric Drugs are Always Bad - by Douglas C. Smith, M.D.
· On Ritalin and "Hyperactivity Disorder" - Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
· How Drug Company Money Has Corrupted Psychiatry - Loren R. Mosher, M.D.
· Unethical Psychiatrists Misrepresent What is Known About Schizophrenia - by Al Siebert, Ph.D.
· Only You Can Cure Yourself - Ann Lawson
· Why Outpatient Commitment Laws Change (Almost) Nothing - by Douglas A. Smith
· 25 Good Reasons Why Psychiatry Must Be Abolished - by Don Weitz of Toronto, Ontario
· Notes on Psychiatric Fascism by Don Weitz of Toronto, Ontario
· The Non-Violence Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi Applied to Psychiatry
· A Retort to President Bush on Mental Health
Разгледайте снимки от нашите демонстрации срещу психиатричните “лечения”и нарушения на правата на човека:
· May 2, 1998 - Washington, D.C.
· August 15-17, 1999 - Albany, New York
· October 9, 1999 - Toronto, Ontario
· October 23, 1999 - Bethesda, Maryland
· February 28, 2000 - Sacramento, California
· July 7 - 15, 2000 - Mad Pride Week in Oregon, New York, & Ontario
· November 10, 2000 - NARPA conference in Sacramento, California
· July 22, 2001 - Vancouver, British Columbia
Защо тази млада жена е в инвалидна количка?:Болна е от дискинезия,провокирана от психиатрични лекарства.Прочетете историята ù: Jenelle's story и предложението за закон: Jenelle's Law.
· Legislative News –за наскоро приетите и предстоящите да бъдат гласувани закони,актуализирано на 9 април 2002
· Notable Quotes – последна промяна: 21 ноември 2001
· An Antipsychiatry Reading List
Рецензии на книги:
· The Antidepressant Fact Book by Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
· Reclaiming Our Children by Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
· Your Drug May Be Your Problem - How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs, by Peter R. Breggin, M.D., & David Cohen, Ph.D.
· Myths of Madness by Don D. Jackson, M.D.
· Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry by Colin A. Ross, M.D., Alvin Pam, Ph.D., et al.
· Therapy's Delusions by Ethan Watters & Richard Ofshe
· Do you have a right to jury trial in psychiatric commitment in your state? - a compendium of psychiatric commitment laws in the USA's 50 states and capitol (District of Columbia)
· Lawyers - a list of lawyers who have successfully opposed psychiatric oppression
· Mental Health Professionals - a list of psychiatrists, psychologists, and a neurologist who oppose involuntary psychiatric "treatment"
· How to contact The Antipsychiatry Coalition
· Join the Antipsychiatry Coalition Advertising Campaign! - see radio, magazine, and newspaper advertisements we have run in the past - and run your own
e-mail from readers of this website
last modified May 1, 2002
Новини и Съобщения
Нуждаем се от доброволци, които да разпространяват памфлети и статии в САЩ, Канада, Мексико, Великобритания, Австралия, Европа,Русия, Централна и Южна Америка, Африка и Азия: Моля помогнете ни да направим информацията от тези страници достъпна за хора, които не ползват Интернет. Свалете статии и памфлети от тези страници и ги раздавайте на хора, които могат имат полза от тях.
Нуждаем се от преводачи-доброволци: Ако владеете английски и желаете да преведете една или няколко статии от тези страници,или ако искате да предложите някакво подобрение на вече съществуващите преводи, моля изпратете ни вашия превод или предложение на antipsychiatrycoalition@usa.net . Използвали сме преводачески програми, но – разбира се – един компютър не може да превежда така точно, както човек умее. Шарлатанството, известно под името биологична психиатрия, и нарушаването на човешките права са проблеми от световен мащаб. Искаме да предупредим хората, които не владеят английски за злините,причинявани от психиатрията.
Без сиантолози, моля: Доброволците ще бъдат помолени да потвърдят, че не са свързани с “Църквата” на Сиантолозите или с Гражданската им Комисия за Правата на Човека, които се противопоставят на психиатрията, но с които не желаем да бъдем свързани.
Други страници в Интернет срещу психиатрията:
National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy
The Dark Side of Psychiatry
Depression Culture
Relatives & Allies of Psychiatric Survivors
www.vo-vo.de - German antipsychiatry web site (in German)
Norsk Antipsykiatri - Norwegian Antipsychiatry web site (in Norwegian)
Benzodiazepines - about the dangers of these drugs
The Schizophrenia Myth - website dedicated to dispelling the myth that schizophrenia is a disease
psychosurgery.org - author tells the story of her grandmother who was lobotomized in 1953
Интернет-страници на бивши и настоящи жертви на психиатрията:
StopShrinks.org - web site by Antipsychiatry Coalition activist Cal Grandy
ect.org - anti-electroshock web site - by a victim of ECT
m-power.org - Mental health services consumer group with chapters in Boston, Worcester and Lowell, Massachusetts (Howard Trachtman, webmaster)
www.psychiatricsurvivor .com
Psychiatric Survivor Action Association of Ontario (Canada)
Mad Pride in UK - ex-patient group in United Kingdom
La Gazette des fous Rebelles (The Mad Rebel Gazette) - in French, German, and English
Observatoire de la psychiatry - antipsychiatry group in France (in French)
MindFreedom - by the Support Coalition, which is the publisher of MindFreedom Journal (formerly named Dendron)
Shoshanna's Psychiatric Survivor's Guide
Shrinkbusters - web site by C. Rodney Yoder, a man currently held in a psychiatric hospital in Illinois
MadNation - new version of award-winning web site by Mrs. Vicki Smith
Интернет страници на професионалисти:
Thomas S. Szasz, M.D. Cypercenter for Liberty and Responsibility
Dr. Peter Breggin's Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (http://www.adhdfraud.org) - web site by Fred A. Baughman, Jr., M.D., a neurologist who opposes psychiatric "diagnosis," especially Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
The Skeptical Psychiatrist - home page of Alaska psychiatrist Douglas C. Smith, M.D. This is an outstanding and very informative website that includes Dr. Smith's critiques of recent articles in psychiatric journals.
The Critical Psychiatry Website - articles and links to many other antipsychiatry web sites
Successful Schizophrenia - by psychologist Al Siebert, Ph.D.
Hamilton D. Moore, attorney - home page of Las Vegas, Nevada attorney who specializes in stopping psychiatry's human rights violations
Harm Being Done by Psychiatry in India - by Rev.Fr. Geo. Kappalumakal, who is a Roman Catholic priest in India and an activist in the Antipsychiatry CoalitionСтатии:
Commentary: Against Biologic Psychiatry - by David Kaiser, M.D.
Deadly Restraint - A Nationwide Pattern of Death - a series of newspaper articles about deaths of "patients" in psychiatric "hospitals" in the USA caused by cruel and irresponsible use of physical restraint against them by psychiatrists and associated mental health "professionals."
Baughman Exposes Myth of ADHD - California neurologist Fred A. Baughman, M.D., exposes myth of mental illness, especially ADHD, February 18, 2002 Insight magazine
The Grief Police, January 28, 2002 Insight magazine article about compulsory psychiatric evaluations for all 55,000 New York City Police officers, and the unjustified involuntary psychiatric commitment and forced drugging of Dr. Ira Warheit
Mental Illness:Balancing Safety and Patients' Rights - Las Vegas Review Journal articles about human rights abuses in psychiatry
Помнете хората, чиито живот е бил разрушен от психиатрията