www.antipsychiatry.org - (last modified February 18, 2019 - see What's New)
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The Antipsychiatry Coalition is a nonprofit volunteer group consisting of people who feel we have been harmed by psychiatry — and of our supporters. We created this website to warn you of the harm routinely inflicted on those who receive psychiatric "treatment" and to promote the democratic ideal of liberty for all law-abiding people that has been abandoned in the U.S.A., Canada, and other supposedly democratic nations.
Mental Patients' Liberation: Why? How?
To Be a Mental Patient - by Rae Unzicker
Does Mental Illness Exist?
Schizophrenia: A Nonexistent Disease
The Myth of Biological Depression
The Myth of Psychiatric Diagnosis
Why the Myth of Mental Illness Lives On
Psychiatric Drugs: Cure or Quackery?
Psychiatry's Electroconvulsive Shock Treatment - A Crime Against Humanity
The Brain Butchery Called Psychosurgery
The Case Against Psychotherapy
Unjustified Psychiatric Commitment in the USA
Is Involuntary Commitment for Mental Illness a Violation of Substantive Due Process?
Why Psychiatry Should Be Abolished as a Medical Specialty
Suicide: A Civil Right
Psychiatric Stigma Follows You Everywhere You Go for the Rest of Your Life Commentary on current news by
Douglas A. Smith, webmaster of this website
updated March 26, 2004
_____________________________Why I Never Recommend Psychiatric Medications - by Douglas C. Smith, M.D.
On Ritalin and "Hyperactivity Disorder" - Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
How Drug Company Money Has Corrupted Psychiatry - Loren R. Mosher, M.D.
Unethical Psychiatrists Misrepresent What is Known About Schizophrenia - by Al Siebert, Ph.D.
Only You Can Cure Yourself - Ann Lawson
Why Mental Patients Should Have the Same Constitutional Rights as Criminals - and Why Involuntary Commitment for "Dangerousness" is Wrong
25 Good Reasons Why Psychiatry Must Be Abolished - by Don Weitz of Toronto, Ontario
Notes on Psychiatric Fascism by Don Weitz of Toronto, Ontario
The Non-Violence Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi Applied to Psychiatry A Retort to President Bush on Mental Health Mental Health Parity: A Debate - U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone and Antipsychiatry Coalition webmaster Douglas A. Smith debate whether Congress (or state governments) should have laws forcing health insurance companies to pay for psychiatric treatmenft View photographs of demonstrations protesting psychiatry's harmful "therapies" and violations of human rights:
May 2, 1998 - Washington, D.C.
August 15-17, 1999 - Albany, New York
October 9, 1999 - Toronto, Ontario
October 23, 1999 - Bethesda, Maryland
February 28, 2000 - Sacramento, California
July 7 - 15, 2000 - Mad Pride Week in Oregon, New York, & Ontario
November 10, 2000 - NARPA conference in Sacramento, California
July 22, 2001 - Vancouver, British Columbia
May 18, 2003 - San Francisco, California
May 4, 2014 - at American Psychiatric Association convention in New York City ![]()
Why is this young woman using a wheelchair?: She has tardive dyskinesia - caused by psychiatric drugs. Read Jenelle's story and a proposal for Jenelle's Law.
Legislative News about pending and recent legislation - updated April 9, 2002
Notable Quotes - last modified November 21, 2001
An Antipsychiatry Reading List
___________________ The Antidepressant Fact Book by Peter R. Breggin, M.D. Reclaiming Our Children by Peter R. Breggin, M.D. Your Drug May Be Your Problem - How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs, by Peter R. Breggin, M.D., & David Cohen, Ph.D. Myths of Madnessby Don D. Jackson, M.D. Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry by Colin A. Ross, M.D., Alvin Pam, Ph.D., et al. Therapy's Delusions by Ethan Watters & Richard Ofshe Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel
Doctors of Deception: What They Don't Want You To Know About Shock Treatment - by Linda Andre - reviewed by Stefan P. Kruszewski, M.D., a doctor who has administered shock treatment
___________________ Film Review
Unlisted - A Story of Schizophrenia (2009/2010) - a new film promoting old myths
___________________ We don't endorse Scientology or its Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) but do recommend you watch these videos, some of which were produced by CCHR:
Jeffrey A. Schaler, Ph.D. - psychology professor debunks the concept of mental illness
Psychiatrists on psychiatry - Psychiatrists admit psychiatry has no biological tests for mental illness and no cures for mental illness
Dr. Peter Breggin on psychiatric drugs
Dr. Peter Breggin on "antidepressants"
Gwen Olsen former drug sales representative on manipulating doctors & psychiatric drugs making people worse
Gwen Olsen - Gwen Olsen's web site with links to her other videos
Gwen Olsen: Pharma Not in Business of Health, Healing, Cures, Wellness
ABC News 20/20 report on Xanax
Australian psychiatrist says what's wrong with psychiatry
Psychiatry - a perveted instrument to control YOU? Dr. Szasz and parents on the effects of psychiatric drugs on children
Dr Thomas Szasz on Psychiatry
Psychiatry is a mental disorder
Psychiatry is fake science Rosenhan experiment in early 1970s
Truth About Antidepressants & Chemical Imbalance, Psychology
Making A Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging Pt 1 (2009)
Making A Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging Pt 2 (2009)
Making A Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging Pt 3 (2009)
___________________ Do you have a right to jury trial in psychiatric commitment in your state?- a compendium of psychiatric commitment laws in the USA's 50 states and capitol (District of Columbia)
Lawyers - a list of lawyers who have successfully opposed psychiatric oppression
Mental Health Professionals - a list of psychiatrists, psychologists, and a neurologist who oppose involuntary psychiatric "treatment" THE ANTIPSYCHIATRY FORUM
How to contact The Antipsychiatry Coalition
Join the Antipsychiatry Coalition Advertising Campaign! - see radio, magazine, and newspaper advertisements we have run in the past - and run your own
e-mail from readers of this website
last modified August 17 2003
________________________________NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS
Volunteers needed to distribute pamphlets & articles in U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, U.K., Australia, Europe, Russia, Central & South America, Africa, and Asia: Please help us make the information on this web site available to people who do not have access to the Internet. Download articles and pamphlets from this web site and distribute them to people who you think will benefit.
No Scientologists, please: Anyone joining us will be asked for assurance they are not affiliated with the "Church" of Scientology or its Citizen's Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), which have publicized the harm done by psychiatry but which we want no affiliation with. This web site does have links to YouTube video critiques of psychiatry by CCHR because these videos are excellent and accurate and worth seeing, but this should not be interpreted as an endorsement of CCHR or Scientology.
Privacy Statement: This web site does not use cookies, web bugs, scriplets, transparent .GIFs, or any other method of identifying you or learning what you view on the Internet. When you view this web site, we do not know who you are unless you write us a letter and tell us. If you write us a letter that is published in The Antipsychiatry Forum that indicates you are a present or former psychiatric "patient," you will be identified only by a first name or initials (or sometimes by a fictitious first name or initial(s) unless you indicate a desire for your full name to be used or we know you have already publicly identified yourself as a present or former psychiatric "patient" - such as in a published article or your own web site.
___________________ OTHER ANTIPSYCHIATRY WEB SITES you may wish to visit include the following:
National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy
The Dark Side of Psychiatry
Benzodiazepines - about the dangers of these drugs
International Association Against Psychiatric Assault
The Auntie Psychiatry web site
StopShrinks.org - web site by antipsychiatry activist Cal Grandy
ect.org - anti-electroshock web site - by a victim of ECT
m-power.org - Mental health services consumer group with chapters in Boston, Worcester and Lowell, Massachusetts (Howard Trachtman, webmaster)
Mad Pride in UK - ex-patient/psychiatric survivor group in the United Kingdom
MindFreedom - by the Support Coalition, which is the publisher of MindFreedom Journal (formerly named Dendron)
Thomas S. Szasz, M.D. Cypercenter for Liberty and Responsibility
Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology
Dr. Peter Breggin's website
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour — weekly interviews of various persons, interviewed by psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin
Talk with Tenney — by New York psychologist Lauren Tenney, Ph.D.ARTICLES:
Deadly Restraint - A Nationwide Pattern of Death - a series of newspaper articles about deaths of "patients" in psychiatric "hospitals" in the USA caused by cruel and irresponsible use of physical restraint against them by psychiatrists and associated mental health "professionals."
Remember Lives
Ruined by Psychiatry